Hosting a group

Our hosts are individuals who have been called by God to express their love for Him and His people by creating a space for Christ-centered fellowship. If you sense a calling to become a host, please review the details below and sign up

How to host

  • Show hospitality

    Hospitality according to the Bible simply means to care for strangers with the love of God. It’s not about having the perfect space in your home, but a love in your heart for God’s people.

  • Show the study

    When hosting, we want you to be free to do just that. You will be provided with a sermon digitally every week which can be shown on your television or on mobile devices.

  • Spark conversation

    Along with each study you and your group will be provided discussion prompts and questions relating to the sermon to spark Christ centered fellowship and prayer.


  • Following your registration, you will be contacted by Pastor Ryan Young for a brief interview to ensure that this is a good fit for you. Upon confirmation your group will be featured on our groups page for others to join.

  • You are encouraged to invite your friends from among our church to be apart. In addition your group will be added to our Community Group page for prospect to browse. You will be asked to provide information regarding your group which will be available for prospect attendees to view.

  • Along with each study you and your group will be provided discussion prompts and questions relating to the sermon to spark Christ centered fellowship and prayer.

  • No. You can limit your group size to what you can accommodate. You host your group in your living room, at a coffee shop, or wherever God has provided you. Where two or more are gathered, He is there!

  • Your commitment is for the season. This winter season is six sessions occurring every other week over the course of twelve weeks.

  • Pick any time that does not conflict with our weekly church services (Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings)