S1: “The true vine”


Session one

Welcome to the first session of this Community Group season! Whether you are hosting a group or have joined one, thank you for stepping forward to build up the church by being together as the church. John 15 is so dense with beautiful and deep truth, imagery, doctrine, and life application, so we’re going to take our time through this chapter. I’ve broken up the majority of the chapter into three sections, and we will spend two sessions in each section. This week we will be studying John 15:1-4 focusing in on Jesus’ title “The True Vine”.

I hope you enjoy this study and are blessed by the Holy Spirit through it!

Please share praise reports, pictures, and videos from your group! These may be featured in our sessions and also to share what God is doing among us.

Please email pictures & videos to: Nate.Deck@cc-ea.org

Share a praise reports below:
